

Friday 13 November 2009

An award to pass on........

I just received this award from the lovely Jo, over on Siggi Shop, I know her from Auntys and Sketch Saturday, thank you Jo. I had to answer a few questions and past it on to 5 friends, so here we go.

1: Where is your cell phone?
In my pocket.
2: Your hair? Short, few blonde streaks and some natural grey...... lol
3: Your mother? Sadly, no longer with us.
4: Your father? Sadly, no longer with us.
5: Your favorite food? Hmmmm, pasta, pizza and a good old roast dinner.
6: Your dream last night? Don't remember.
7: Your favorite drink? Tea
8: Your dream/goal?For my kids to do well in whatever they choose to do.
9: What room are you in? dining room
10: Your hobby? cardmaking
11: Your fear? Creepy crawlies, moths, daddy long legs, butterflies and birds.
12: Where do you want to be 6 years? Probably the same place I am now... lol.
13: Where were you last night? right here
14: Something that you aren't? Size 10.....lmao
15: Muffins? Blueberry please.
16: Wishlist item? more money to buy more craft stash!! ;)
17: Where did you grow up? Darlington, UK
18: Last thing you did? check email
19: What are you wearing? clothes
20: Your tv? switched on with DH flicking about.
21: Your pets? Don't have any.
22: Best friend? SIL Lynn and Fiona
23: Your life? is ok
24: Your mood? good
25: Missing someone? yes, 2 people.
26: Vehicle? I don't drive
27: Something you are not wearing? A coat, well you wouldn't in the house would you? or would you?
28: Your favorite store? Any craft shop
29: Your favorite color? Black
30: When was the last time you laughed? Tonight
31: Last time you cried? Wednesday
32: Your best friend? still my SIL Lynn and Fiona
33: One place that I go to over and over ? My craft room
34: Facebook? Yes
35: Favorite place to eat? Home

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