

Wednesday 5 January 2011

I ♥ ProMarkers #47 Recycle

The first challege for the New Year has just started over on I ♥ ProMarkers and the theme for this one is 'Recycle', we'd also like you to tell us with part of your project is recycled and where it come from. We're sponsored this week by the lovely Joanna Sheen and the prize is a £10 give voucher tro spend in their online store, lots of crafty goodies to choose from there.
Here's my DT card.
I used a Daisy & Dandelion image for this one. I stamped the football background and the recycled part it the ribbon which came from the wrapping on a Christmas present.


  1. Hi Karen,
    I lov ethis fabulous man/boy card. The image is brilliant and I think the Swis Dots are very effective.
    Fiona x

  2. That's such a cute card - love it!

    I started on a recycled project today - full of the best intentions to enter in the ILPM challenge but it sort of grew in to the kind of project where PM's just didn't seem to fit - so NOW I get to try again tomorrow!!!


  3. This is such a cute, masculine card. I love this image.
