

Tuesday 5 April 2011

My Tribute To My Sister In Law, Lynn

This is my lovely Sister In Law and best friend, Lynn, who sadly lost her battle with breast cancer on 25th March 2011 at the age of just 49.
I wanted to do this as she always encouraged me in my card making and always got me lots of orders for cards, mainly at Christmas.  She always asked to see what cards I'd been making and I even managed to get her to make some candles a few christmas's ago.... lol.
She was thrilled to bits for me when I started working at Debbi Moore Designs earlier this year, my first job in 20 years! (I gave up to have my children)

Lynn was diagnosed with breast cancer in April 2006 and I promised her then that I would be with her every step of the way, no matter how long it was going to be.   She had a total of 9 operations over the 5 years, and 2 courses of chemo therapy and radio therapy.  One of the operations saw her lose one breast then a couple of years later, the cancer appeared in the other breast so ended up having that one removed too.  Through everything that was thrown at her, she never stopped smiling and fighting.

About a year ago after having a routine scan we were told that there was cancer in her lungs, so she was put on chemo again to help slow it down.  Then just about 4 weeks ago, she was rushed into hospital with breathing difficulties, she had fluid in her lungs, so she had them drained and returned home feeling quite well.  She told me a few days later that she felt like her lungs were filling up again, so back to the hospital we went and she had another scan.  The results were that it was the cancer causing her breathing problems and they would change the chemo.  She got an appointment with another doctor and he said she couldn't have anymore chemo as she wasn't well enough.  Naturally she was upset with this, but they said they couldn't give her it as the side effects would make her even worse.  This was on the Monday, by the Thursday her breathing was really bad and was rushed into hospital again.  This is when we were told they didn't think she would make it through the next 24 hours, I was gobsmacked, just couldn't believe it was all happening so fast.  She wasn't unconscious but was kind of sleeping, but mumbling things all the time and quite restless.  We wanted to transfer her to the hospice, but they wouldn't let her go as she could die during the transfer, so we said we would see how she went through the night and think about it again in the morning.  I sat at her bedside right through the day and night, watching her struggling to breath, just holding her hand trying to give her some comfort.  The rest of the family were there too.  She got through the 24 hours and we decided we wanted to move her to the hospice regardless of the risk.  It was her wish to end her days there, and I was determined to carry it out.  She was transfered there within a couple of hours.  The hospice staff were brilliant with her and Lynn was so much more relaxed.  Sadly Lynn only spent a couple of hours there before passing away peacefully, as I held her hand.  It broke my heart to lose her and there will be a big chunk missing from my life now.

Lynn was only 6 months older than me though at school she was a year above me.  We knew who each over was, but were never friends.  Little did we know I would one day marry her eldest brother.  Even when we married and became family we didn't have much to do with each other, just the usual present swapping at birthdays and Christmas.  It wasn't until 7 years ago that I went on a girly night out with her and her sisters, that our great friendship started.  We started going out regualar either Friday or Saturday night and what good nights we had, laughing so much our ribs hurt..... lol.  I always went over to her house and got ready with her in her bedroom, while we had a few vodka and cokes.
2 years into our friendship, she discovered a lump and her battle with breast cancer began.  I was with her every step of the way.  I went to every hospital appointment with her, sat by her bed after her operations,  laughed with her and cried with her, we supported each other all the way.  
Even when she was having chemo and radio therapy I sat in the waiting room while she had it done

I often said to Lynn that I wished we'd started our friendship years before we did and she always said, things happen for a reason.  She always believed we'd become great friends because of what she was about to face and I was meant to be the one that went through it with her.

Lynn had already arranged and booked her 70's themed, 50th Birthday party, on 16th April. We've decided that we will still have this party and make it a celebration of her life, we know it's what she would want us to do. And yes we'll still be dressing up 70's style.

I feel so privilaged to call her my Sister In Law (more like a sister) and great friend and I'm so glad that I was able to carry out my promise, made that day in 2006.
I will miss her like crazy now, but I know she's  in a better place and free from all the terrible pain she suffered, continuously over the years.

Rest In Peace Lynn.



  1. she was truly an amazing person, so glad you are going ahead with the party x

  2. Karen thank you for sharing your story with us, Lynn sounds like an amazing woman and fighter, I'm sure her battle inspired many along the way. Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!

  3. This is a lovely piece you have written Karen. Lynn sounds like she was an amazing person and a very good friend to you. My thoughts are with you at this difficult time. Take care xx

  4. This is a lovely photo you do look alike, so sorry Karen a terrible loss for you and your family, god bless.
    Chris x

  5. How sad and what a lovely lady she looked. Thank you for sharing your pain, she was a very strong lady and I am sure she will be there with you all at the party.

    Hugs, Barbara xx

  6. A beautiful photo of Lynne She looks and sounds like a a lovely person
    Life can be cruel it's so sad she's been taken early bless her
    You and your family are in our thoughts Karen
    Hugs Susie xx

  7. What an amazing lady and what a wonderful tribute Karen. Thank you for sharing. Lx

  8. I am so sorry for your loss Karen, she seemed such a wonderful and jolly person. My thoughts are with you xxx

  9. Beautiful thoughts Karen for such a beautiful friendship and person. Thinking of you all. Hugs Cherry XXX

  10. Karen, I know we have "spoken" often about Lynn and I almost felt like I knew her but your moving tribute makes me wish I had actually met her, but I'm sure she knew she was loved.

    All the best


  11. You had an amazing sister. From reading what you have wrote she was a great inspiration to you. and I know she will be sadly missed but she will be always with you everywhere you go.

    Jayne xx

  12. Thanks for Sharing this with us! She sounds like an amazing person that now will be missed very much!

    Hugs Kobie

  13. Thank you for sharing this with us Karen and I must admit I am in floods of tears reading it. She looks a very pretty full of fun lady. I am sure you are very priviledged to have known her.


  14. Awh Karen - I'm typing this and crying at the same time - I so feel for you and your family - I lost both my parents to cancer within 3 years of each other - a huge void - but cherish the memories and time will ease the pain - my thoughts and love are with you all xxxx
    PS such a beautiful photo too :)

  15. Hi Karen, I read your post and cried for you and for myself, I lost my wonderful mother in law 21yrs ago to cancer, I too sat and held her hand as she fell asleep. Your moving story is a fantastic tribute to a lady who so obviously left a lasting mark on your life. It's very sad that such wonderful people are taken from us, but our lives are far richer for having known them and had them in our life. Thinking of you and your family. Love Woo xxx

  16. What a blessing that you had each other. Friends like Lynn are an inspiration in our lives, and teach us the true meaning of courage and strength.
    I can only offer my deepest sympathies for your loss and offer you the small comfort that when we lose a loved one, we gain a guardian angel. Sending love and light to you x

  17. What a gorgeous tribute and such a lovely photo of Lynn.
    So sorry to hear lynn's fight ended...but has you said she is in a better place and out of all her pain.
    My thoughts are with you and your family.
    Godbless Karen.
    Hugs Alison.

  18. What a wonderful tribute to such a brave lady. Her suffering is over now.I can see from her photo that she was full of life. She was very lucky to have YOU as her friend. My thoughts are with you and family
    Take care GeorgieX

  19. Hi Karen, so sorry to hear you've lost such a beautiful friend and sister in law, it sounds like you have many wonderful memories to cherish. Thank you for sharing with us. hugs Donna x

  20. Karen, I just wanted to say again, that I'm sorry for your loss. It sounds like you had a wonderful relationship, and that is something precious to hold on to. One of my dearest friends and a favorite aunt died of cancer. Take care of yourself too. Hugs, dj

  21. Thinking of you Karen and what a gorgeous photo, just right for a memory album me thinks.
    Hugs Shirley x x

  22. Karen im so sorry to hear of your loss, thats a lovely idea to go ahead with the party as its a fantastic way of celebrating her memory x

  23. That's a really lovely tribute to Lynn.I'm so pleased she had all her loved ones with her when she passed.
    Hope you all really celebrate Lynn's life at her party how she would have wanted.
    Take care Karen.

    Julie xxx

  24. Hi Karen,
    It's taken me this long, because I just didn't know what to write here. I am deeply sorry for your loss. She sounds a truly wonderful person and the party will be a fitting tribute to your best friend. xxlots of love to you. xx

  25. Karen,
    Thank you for sharing your story with us. It is wonderful that you were able to be with Lynn through all of her treatments and in her final days. She was blessed to have you as you were to have her. I'm very sorry for your loss.

  26. Karen
    Thank you for sharing your story. She was very lucky to have You as her friend. My thoughts are with you & family

  27. Hi Karen,

    What a beautiful story about two beautiful people! We all have friends, but a deep friendship such as this one is rare, and a true blessing. Thank you for sharing this incredible journey.


  28. Karen what a wonderful tribute so beautifully written.
    Kathleen xx

  29. Hi Karen, An amazing tribute to your sister in law, My thoughts are with you as you work your way through the grief.

  30. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful tribute to someone who sounds truly exceptional. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family during this very rough time. I hope that one day you will be able to realize that as long as she is with you in your heart, she will never truly be gone.

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