

Wednesday 4 December 2013

ILPMs #197

For this weeks challenge over on I ♥ ProMarkers, our theme is 'For a Child',  nice and easy  Our sponsor is Marianne Dies with a fab prize of 2 sets of stamps.

Here's my DT card.

 I used an image from the sadly now closed Digi Doodle Shop, I love this image for baby cards, it's perfect for either a boy or girl.  I made this card for the birth of my Great Niece, Daisy Lynn, who is named after my late, badly missed,  Sister In Law Lynn.   BPs are from Nitwits, dies used are Spellbinders, Cheery Lynn and Mariannes, flowers from WOC.

Closer look at the image.


  1. This is one of my favourite baby images and love all the detail you have added Ginny♥

  2. So sweet card
    wauuu your colouring is the best
    hugs Tamara
