My Lovely Followers

Monday 14 December 2009

Die Cut Dreams #27

For this weeks challenge on Die Cut Dreams the DT were sent a mini kit from Susie, we all got exactly the same bits and bobs to make a card or project of our choice. You can win the exact same kit if you enter and win this weeks challenge.
Here's the kit we got to work with and which you have the chance of winning.And here's what I did with mine.
Why not pop over and have a go with this weeks challenge.


Lauren Hatwell said...

Lovely Karen. I do love that Lily-of-the-Valley stamp. I love what you've done with your kit. Its a triumph!

Lauren x

Lil Daffodil said...

Hi Karen,
This is a lovely card in gorgeous colours. Beautiful image.
Fiona x

Katie Berberich Handmade said...

That's adorable Karen, what a lovely little kit xx