My Lovely Followers

Saturday 27 February 2010

My new DT Postition

I've just been accepted on the DT for a new Digi Image blog, Ethereal Forest Designs I didn't hear from Darsie, so thought I'd not been lucky enough to be picked for their DT. I got an email just the other day, unforunately one of the DT had to give up her position due to health reasons and I was the next on the list. Why not pop over and become a follower, there are some really lovely images coming up.


Sian said...

Wooohoooo congrats Karen :)

Lil Daffodil said...

Hi Karen,
Many congratulations on your DT spot. I look forward to seeing your creations. Well Done.
Fiona x

Lauren Hatwell said...

Wooohooo! congratulations Karen. They're lucky to have you. Lauren x

Lauren Hatwell said...

Wooohooo! congratulations Karen. They're lucky to have you. Lauren x

Mummylade said...

Congratulations dear, well deserved

Victoria said...

go Karen! Well done you
Can't wait to see your creations

WeirdCat said...


Clare Lloyd said...

well done, karen. good luck with new DT post you are going to be very busy!!! ClareX