My Lovely Followers

Thursday 9 July 2009

Wedding Cake for Jenny & Simon

I've never made this style of cake before so I'm very happy with the way it turned out. It's supposed to give the impression of the cakes floating on the flowers.
I think the Jenny & Simon will be happy with it don't you?


Katie Berberich Handmade said...

Wow, what a piece of art x

pinky said...

omg this is stunning, will they be pleased or what!! Excellent.

Lainy's Little Blog said...

Wow! This is amazing. You're very talented. Hugs, Lainy xxx

scrappyjacky said...

This is absolutely stunning.

Lynsey said...

Wow Karen, what an amazing cake! You are very clever! I can't bake to save my life let alone make a master piece like this!
Hugs Lynsey:)

Karen said...

Thanks for the lovely comments everyone.


Anne-marie said...

wow the cake is stunning you are very talented